How to Know Which Thanksgiving Leftovers to Feed a Dog

After Thanksgiving comes a lot of leftovers-and with the cost of dog food rising every month, you can feed leftovers to help with your dog food bill. Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, potatoes, carrots and pie are some of the common ones. Some of these you should not feed your dog, some you should be cautious of and some are perfectly OK. This article will go over some do's and don'ts for feeding those Turkey Day leftovers.


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      If your dog only eats dry dog food from a bag, do not give her too many leftovers. A dog that eats only commercial dog food will be extremely sensitive to different foods. If your dog is sensitive to different foods, pack up the rest of the leftovers and give it to your guests or eat it yourself.

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      Turkey is a food that dogs would eat in the wild. When you feed turkey you should be careful if the turkey was deep fried or cooked with bacon. A turkey cooked this way may give your dog loose stools due to the added fat.

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      Most vegetables can be fed to dogs. Carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes, green beans can all be fed to your dog. One vegetable to stay away from is onions. Onions (especially in larger doses) can be toxic to dogs.

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      Some definite foods to stay away from are gravies and sauces. These are usually too much for a dog's digestion and will result in diarrhea and vomiting. Stuffing and bread can cause bloat and sweet desserts are a no-no.

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      Feed your dog small portions of the leftovers and spread it out over a few days. This way your dog will be able to handle it.