How to Put a Dog on a Feeding Schedule

Many dog owners allow their pet to free feed all day long. When the dog gets obese, it isn’t surprising to find out he has been overeating for a long time. Creating a feeding routine for your dog will help him maintain his weight by portion control. Feeding schedules can be designed to help your dog lose weight or gain weight as needed. A feeding schedule will also help your dog eliminate regularly. That's great becaise you don’t want to deal with a surprise potty run late at night.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring cup
  • Scale
  • Dog food
  • Dog food bowl
  • Dog water bowl
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      Call your veterinarian before changing your pets diet. Explain your ideas. Make sure your plans are a safe option for your individual dog. If the dog is on medication, your veterinarian can make recommendations for a safe diet plan.

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      Weigh your dog. Use the bathroom scale if he is a small dog. Medium sized dogs can be weighed by holding them in your arms as you stand on the scale. Note the weight, then weigh yourself alone. Subtract the weight from your shared weight with your dog. This will help you to see how much your dog weighs. Large dogs can be weighed at a veterinarian office.

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      Read the label on your dog food. Check the recommendations on portion size for your weight of dog. Use the smaller portion on the range listed if your dog needs to lose weight. If your dog needs to maintain a healthy weight, feed him the full portion allowed. Remember, the portion listed is the dog’s daily ration.

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      Decide if you want to feed your dog two or three times per day. For owners that work away from home--or are gone several hours per day--a morning and evening feeding will work. If you are home during the day, feeding your pet three times a day is also a healthy option.

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      Divide the daily ration of dog food into two or three portions. Offer your dog the first portion in the morning. Use the same style and color of bowl for each meal. You want the dog to associate it with his food. If the dog hasn’t eaten the food within 20 minutes, take the food up. Set it aside.

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      Offer the dog his next meal. If he doesn’t eat within 20 minutes, remove the meal. Wait for the next mealtime. The dog will learn that. if he wants to eat, it has to be at mealtime. Try to keep a consistent pattern to the mealtimes. Don’t leave the food down all day long, or the dog won’t learn the feeding schedule.