How to Make Chicken Based Dog Food

After the kibble scare in March of 2007, may people decided to cook for their dogs. Some jumped right into raw feeding. For those that are thinking of leaving kibble behind, but are not yet comfortable with raw feeding, this recipe will give your dog much of the nutrients needed. You are going to need a grinder for this. A hand grinder, if you have intentions of switching to raw feeding at some point in the near future, will work just fine. If you keep with the cooked method, ordering an electric grinder is recommended.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 pounds leg quarters (plus or minus)
  • 2 tsp. garlic powder (not garlic salt)
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 can mackeral
  • 1/2 cup uncooked rice
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    • 1

      Boil the chicken and the rice together until the chicken falls off the bones. The rice needs to be overdone, so put it in the pot when you put the chicken in the pot.

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      Grind the chicken and bones.

    • 3

      Mix in big bowl (this makes about 9 cups) with about a cup of the broth, the rice, the canned mackeral, eggs (including the shells, they are a great source of calcium) and garlic powder.

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      You can add veggies if you want. Either grind with the chicken, or fine chop, if your dog or cat will eat them in chunks.