How to Feed Your Dog Raw on a Budget

You've done your research, and you think that raw feeding (B.A.R.F. or bones and raw food) sounds like a very healthy way to feed your dog. It's much better than kibble but can you afford it? Sure, you can feed your dog raw on a budget. You just need to look out for those sales. Of course this is easier if you have little dogs, but for those with large dogs, it takes some planning.


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      Get a small freezer, unless you already have one. You can find used ones on the Craigslist or Freecycle and other places such as that. You can also do a garage sale run on a Saturday morning.

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      Once you have a freezer start shopping around. Look at grocery circulars and check out supercenters. Check at the butcher. Ask the butcher for cuts of meat and large soup bones that do not normally sell. You'd be surprised at the low prices you can get for some of this stuff.

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      Post an ad on Craigslist and Freecycle for freezer burned meat. Dogs do not care about the texture, and it keeps most of its nutrients, so it is just fine for the dogs. Look up local coops. Network with other raw feeders in your area. Sometimes people get together and order one large order and split it up when they get home, as bulk buying is cheaper.

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      Get a Sam's Club card or a Costco card and watch those stores for bulk deals. If your local store has a separate butcher, ask the butcher for throw-aways or for a deal on bulk prices.

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      Do not discount any meats. If your dog can tolerate just about anything you can feed him, go for anything you can find on sale and stock up.