How to Get Your Dog to Eat

A finicky dog that looks at its food in disgust on occasion is not uncommon. If your dog is not willing to eat its dog food, whether it is dry or canned, may be being stubborn or there may be a health related issue. Missing a meal or two when your dog is going through a stressful situation is normal, but if your dog is holding out longer then that, you need to get your dog to eat.


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      Visit your veterinarian and explain that your dog will not eat. A finicky eater could have a health-related issue. Your veterinarian may do an examination on your dog or run blood tests to ensure that it is not a health-related issue. The veterinarian may also offer a different diet that is more appropriate to your dog or a supplement that will help provide nutrients that your dog is missing.

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      Add an appropriate amount of water to your dog's food to make gravy. Depending on your dog's size, add enough water to slightly soften or cover the food you are providing. Often dogs become picky and water provides something new that may spark an interest in the food. Dogs may also pass up food if they are dehydrated and adding water to the food will provide hydration. Providing water to a meal will not upset your dog's stomach, so it is the best option to try before anything else.

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      Add "goodies" to your dog's food. Goodies can range from a couple of scoops of a canned dog food to a small sprinkle of cheese onto the food. You can also mix in apple slices, green beans or carrots or add in a few scoops of canned tuna or peanut butter. Add a small amount at first --- just enough to provide a new smell and a slight flavor change. A finicky eater may be holding out for something exciting, which is not good to provide with every meal, but if your dog has missed multiple meals, it should be acceptable once in awhile. Always speak with your veterinarian before adding items to your dog's meals if you are unsure they are healthy or appropriate for its diet. Do not add a large amount because it may upset your dog's stomach.