How to Buy a Pet Food Dispenser

If you continually must enlist someone to feed your pet while you're on vacation, a pet food dispenser should be on your wish list. This gadget makes sure your dog or cat gets exactly the right portion at every meal. Some pet food dispensers can even feed your pet at timed intervals. Here's how to buy a pet food dispenser.


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      Decide what kind of model to buy. If your primary goal is to make sure your pet gets the same portion at every feeding, most pet food dispensers will suffice. They dispense a preset amount of pet food. If you want to the dispenser to feed your pet when you are at work or out of town, you must buy an automatic model.

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      Research different pet food dispensers on the market by reading reviews on and The leading brands are Petmate, Bergan, Petstuff and Zevro but you'll find many other products available. Look for pet food dispensers that get consistently favorable reviews.

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      Decide on your budget. A brand new automatic pet food dispenser will be at the high end of the price scale, while basic dispensers are less expensive. However, you can buy a used or refurbished automatic dispenser for around the same price as a manual pet food dispenser.

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      Search online for the best deals and compare them to in-store prices at stores like PetSmart. Make sure you take shipping into account when deciding whether a website has a better rate than a store. Also factor in any coupons you might be able to redeem.

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      Purchase your pet food dispenser and enjoy.