How to Get a Picky Dog to Eat

Has your dog completely lost interest in the dog food he used to love or dog food in general? There are a variety of reasons why a dog might become finicky and there are just as many ways to get him to eat. Here are some tricks to try out on your picky prince or princess to get them back on track.


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      Establish whether the pickiness is due to an illness. Diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy are common signs that something may be wrong and might require a visit to the vet for a checkup.

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      Once you determine that your dog is healthy, examine the food you are feeding her. Check the expiration date and for any strong or unusual odors to make sure the food isn't spoiled or stale.

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      Make sure it's a nutritionally balanced, quality food and tastes good to your dog. If you want to feed him something new, it may require trying out a few different kinds.

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      Sometimes dogs become bored from eating strictly dry food and all it requires is some canned food mixed in or switching to a semi-moist food. There are also canned mix-ins available that you gradually ease off of to get them back to eating strictly dry. Many vets feel that combining both dry and canned is the ideal diet.

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      Consistently feed your dog one type of dog food. Constantly changing foods or feeding human food or table scraps may cause your dog to hold out for something tastier.

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      Set your dog's food bowl down and walk away. She will eat when she's hungry. Feeding by hand, with a spoon or sitting down on the floor with your dog will only make her come to expect it. Holding the food up to your mouth and going "mmm" is fine (that's just harmless cajoling). Besides, your dog is not gonna start demanding: "You try it first."

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      Feed at around the same time each day. Dogs like routine, and when their routine is upset, it could throw them off.

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      Make sure that your dog is not receiving food or treats from other sources such as family members or the trash can, which could be destroying his appetite. Determine how many treats to feed your dog per day and get on the same page with other family members.