How to Feed a Vegetarian Dog

If you follow a vegetarian diet, you may want your dog to refrain from eating meat as well. It is possible for dogs to get enough nutrition from a strictly vegetarian menu. Keep these things in mind when you feed your vegetarian dog.


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      Cook your own vegetables. Boiling or baking will cook the vegetables the best. Potatoes and carrots are especially enjoyed by dogs.

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      Add beans and lentils into their diet. These are high in protein and can be blended in order for the dog to digest them easier.

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      Feed the dog whole wheat pastas and breads. You can add these to their food or give them as snacks.

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      Purchase a vegetarian dog food. These cans contain a mix of vegetables that will help meet your dog's dietary needs. Nature's Own and Evolution Diet both manufacture vegetarian dog food.

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      Give your dog a supplement. This supplement can help your dog avoid any type of vitamin or mineral deficiency.