How to Put a Dog on a Diet

If you have an overweight dog, you should start him on a healthier and lower fat diet immediately. Obese dogs can have numerous health problems including diabetes, bone problems and heart failure. Here are some methods to help put your dog on a more nutritious diet.


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      Switch his diet gradually. If your dog is used to a certain amount of food, he will not thrive if you suddenly cut his food intake in half. Slowly begin to decrease the food that you give him.

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      Cut out fatty table scraps. Many dogs become overweight because of the table food that they are fed on a regular basis. Your dog may beg for awhile, but it is best if you do not give in.

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      Buy a healthier brand of dog food for your pet. Avoid discount store brands and choose high-end foods that offer a wide variety of choices that will help you keep your dog on a healthy diet.

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      Measure out the amount of food that you give your dog. Many owners will simply pour a large amount of food into the bowl without knowing if it is the recommended amount. Check dog food packages to see how much you should be feeding your pet based on size.

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      Incorporate exercise into his daily routine. Take the dog for daily walks and runs. This will help him maintain a healthy weight.