How to Switch Your Dog's Food

Not even the best commercially produced dog food is best for every dog. Life stage changes, allergies, and activity levels leading to weight gain and loss can make a change in food necessary. But don't make the switch all at once. Change from one food to another over a period of a week to 10 days.


    • 1

      Mix the food your dog is currently eating (75 percent) with the new food (25 percent). Your dog should be eating no more and no less than what it normally eats.

    • 2

      Feed this mixture for two or three days. If the dog experiences no digestive upsets or loose stools, move on to the next step.

    • 3

      Change the mixture to 50 percent of the food your dog was eating and 50 percent of the new food.

    • 4

      Repeat Step 2. If the dog experiences no digestive upsets or loose stools, move on to the next step.

    • 5

      Change the mixture to 75 percent of the food your dog was eating and 25 percent of the desired food.

    • 6

      Repeat Step 2. If the dog experiences no digestive upsets or loose stools, then begin feeding the dog meals consisting entirely of the new food.