- Tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes, guavas, and berries.
- Nuts like almonds, peanuts, and walnuts.
- Seeds from fruits and plants.
Aquatic plants:
- Algae and aquatic vegetation growing on the riverbed and along the riverbanks.
- Insects, worms, and insect larvae found in the water and on the riverbank.
- Crustaceans like shrimp and crayfish.
Small Fish and Animals:
- Small fish, frogs, and other small animals that inhabit the same water bodies.
- Scavenging on dead or dying fish and animal carcasses.
Human Food Scraps:
- When pacus are kept in captivity or near human settlements, they may become accustomed to human food scraps and feed on bread, rice, and other edible debris.