Getting Cats to Eat at Set Meal Times

Getting cats to eat at set meal times allows cat parents to control portions and freshness. Methods include keeping food out for set time slots and offering single portions at a time. Either method can have a place, if a cat gets enough access to food throughout the day.
  1. Feeding Times vs. Free Feeding

    • In many households, cats are allowed access to food all day. This method is known as free-feeding or ad-lib feeding. According to Michigan State University's Veterinary Teaching Hospital, free choice feeding reflects cats' natural behavior. They report that many experts recommend free feeding, as studies show cats naturally choose to eat anywhere from 12 to 20 small meals over the course of 24 hours. However, set meal times might be appropriate for overweight cats who need portion control.

    Portion Control Feeding

    • The portion control method entails splitting up the day's meals among several servings, and offering one portion at a time. To use this method, divide and serve the day's meals in at least two servings, but as many as your schedule allows. The more small meals you are able to serve, the closer the pattern is to your cat's natural instincts. If your cat doesn't eat his entire portion, serve the leftovers plus the next portion at the following mealtime.

    Maximizing Fresh Foods

    • Set mealtimes can also help increase fresh food intake. Unlike dry foods, which keep at room temperature, fresh foods spoil if left out too long. To serve fresh foods at set times, schedule at least two times each day -- ideally more -- and place food out for about 30 minutes to an hour. Bring your cat to the food, allow him to eat what he likes, then remove and properly store what's not eaten. Dry food can supplement this routine and can be left out all day.


    • Set meal times may benefit overweight cats and help maximize fresh food intake, but the most important consideration is that your cat gets enough nutrition and is allowed access to natural behaviors like free feeding. It's possible some cats won't agree to the new rules and shun food offered at specific times. In these cases, offering access to food all day is probably the best route. And when it comes to fresh foods, you can always offer, refrigerate, repeat.