Carnivores, Not Omnivores
Cats depend on nourishment derived from flesh to satisfy their dietary demands. In wild environments, cats feed on animals that simultaneously offer lots of protein content and minimal carbohydrates. Because of that, feline bodies are suited to fewer carbs and increased protein in comparison to other animals that follow omnivorous eating styles. Dogs and cats are extremely different in this respect; dogs are omnivores and need both vegetables and meats to thrive.
Obligate Carnivores
In terms of dietary classification, house cats are "obligate carnivores," which means that meat is essential for the well-being and proper functioning of their bodies. Cats have to have taurine in their food, and meat alone can offer it to them. This amino acid is imperative not only for eyesight and heart health, but also for reproductive purposes. Cats differ from the majority of fellow mammals, most of which have the ability to create their own taurine by employing other kinds of amino acids.
Say "No" to Feline Vegetarian Diets
Diets of solely plants are not suitable for house cats, notes the ASPCA. As carnivores, vegetables simply cannot successfully cater to what cats need to stay strong and in glowing health. If a cat doesn't eat meat, then dietary deficiencies are a major risk. When you're out looking for appropriate and nutritious foods that can give your kitty's body all of the things it needs to stay strong, look closely for labeling that uses the word "complete." If you're ever unsure about anything regarding your pet's diet, don't hesitate to call your veterinarian.
Cats in General
Carnivorous diets are far from exclusive to wee house cats. The entire feline world is made up of obligate carnivores, and obligate carnivores alone. Whether you're looking at the tiny Persian kitten from across your street or the massive African lion at your nearest zoo, these guys need meat.
Are House Cats Omnivores?
The term "omnivore" describes an animal -- or human being -- who consumes flesh and plant-based sustenance alike. House cats are not part of that category, however. Your furry cutie is a carnivore -- and a rigid one, at that. Cats need lots of meat in their diets, no two ways around it.