Things You'll Need
- Three tins of canned cat food (same brand, different flavors)
- Two small bags of dry cat food (same brand, different flavors)
Offer foods that contain whole meat ingredients and essential nutrients necessary for your cat to be healthy and prevent disease. Most cats prefer foods that contain real meat.
Feed foods appropriate to your cat̵7;s age. For example, adult cats may not like kitten food because it contains ingredients their bodies are not craving.
Read the labels on the foods you feed .This gives you insight into what flavors of meat your cat likes and does not like by what it is eating and not eating.
Select similar food flavors between brands when changing brands. For example, when changing from a lower-quality to higher-quality food, offer the meat flavor (salmon, chicken or turkey) your cat has eaten before.
Offer small tastes of new foods gradually to prevent overeating. If your cat overindulges and ends up with a bellyache, it may be less likely to eat that food again.
Buy foods in small quantities. Rotate flavors to keep your cat from getting bored with its meals, and going off its food for a few days.
Disperse myths and know the benefits of canned cat food. Unlike dry cat food, canned cat food is better for your cat̵7;s health, which is all the reason to be less resistant to using it.