How to Keep Cats From Tipping Over Their Water Bowl

Some cats tip water bowls and cause water to spill on the floor. Because you have to clean up the mess, water bowl tipping can prove to be an annoying habit. Some cats do not like to drink standing water, which can compel them to show their displeasure by batting at their water bowls. Other cats get stuck on nearby surfaces, such as a mat or towel you place underneath the bowl, and accidentally knock it over. Make both yourself and your cat happy by addressing the tipping water bowl problem.


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      Replace easily lifted mats and rugs with a weighted feeding mat. The cat's claws will not easily catch on this type of mat.

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      Switch the cat's water bowl. A heavier bowl with a thicker base or an elevated feeder bowl system are more difficult for a cat to tip and spill. A running fountain bowl cycles water through a water fountain-like system. Cats that do not like stagnant water will be unlikely to show dissatisfaction if they drink from a running source of water.

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      Place the water bowl inside of a shallow roasting pan. The pan will catch any water the cat tips out of the bowl. Dump the pan whenever water accumulates.

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      Affix the bowl to a wall. Get a shallow stainless steel bucket. Attach a hook to the wall at the height of the bucket's handle when it's in the upward position. Hang the handle on the hook. Make the bowl completely stable, and the cat will be unable to tip the bowl.