What Can I Feed an Elderly Cat?

When cats reach an advanced age, they may experience a change in their health needs. Maintaining a healthy older cat begins with feeding proper nutrition. An individual cat's physical condition will determine what that particular cat needs, but owners of senior cats can follow some general guidelines to ensure their elderly animal is consuming essential calories and nutrients.
  1. Nutrient Requirements

    • Elderly cats' energy needs do not differ substantially from those of younger ones. However, an older cat will likely have lost some of its ability to digest food and absorb essential nutrients. Owners should provide foods that contain readily digestible fats, ample amounts of protein and vitamins and minerals. Food intended for elderly cats should contain about 30 percent high-quality proteins. Important vitamins A, C and E may protect against some aging processes.

    Maintaining Weight

    • Elderly cats may have trouble keeping a healthy body weight and become too thin as they age. Feed underweight cats a high-energy food with easily digestible fats. The food should also contain essential fatty acids. Before making any drastic dietary changes, have a veterinarian examine the cat. Older cats are more susceptible to illness and disease, and the weight loss may have resulted from a sickness instead of missing dietary components.

    Dealing With Obesity

    • Some older cats are prone to obesity. These animals need about 25 to 30 calories per pound of body weight a day. Cat foods formulated to help elderly cats maintain their weight are not appropriate for overweight or obese cats, regardless of their age. A veterinarian can help establish a diet low in calories that still provides the necessary nutrients. Exercise is also important for any elderly cat and will help maintain a proper body weight. Moderate levels of play help control weight and promote bone and muscle strength.

    Additional Supplements

    • As cats age, they absorb lower amounts of vitamins and minerals. Some nutrients are present in the food the cat eats may no longer be enough for an elderly individual. Additional supplements may be necessary to help maintain the health of an older cat.


    • To break down additional nutrients, supplements and fats properly, senior cats must drink more water than younger animals. You can meet this water requirement partially by providing them with foods high in water content. Adding flavorings to water may also encourage the elderly cat to drink more. If your cat is refusing to drink water, contact your veterinarian immediately.