Feed young kittens baby formula, or a combination of sugar and water. Feed the kittens a combination of sugar and water in a shallow bowl. Avoid giving them cow's milk, as it will upset their digestion. Another option for them to drink is baby formula. After four weeks, introduce the kittens to solid nutrition, such as baby food, moistened kitten food, or canned kitten food. Watch for any signs of diarrhea, as this could be dangerous for the kittens.
Keep the kittens in a cage to prevent them from escaping and hiding. Do not allow the kittens to roam about your house. Keep them in a cage or ventilated crate. Otherwise, the kittens will hide in small places around your house, which makes them difficult to catch. The cage should be placed in a small room where they will keep warm. Place towels or blankets in the cage to make them comfortable, and to conserve their body heat.
A wild kitten needs lots of human interaction. In the beginning, keep the kittens in their cage with a radio playing softly in the room. This will help them become accustomed to human interaction. After 20 hours of being in your care, wrap each kitten in a towel and place it in your lap. When you are ready to unwrap the kitten, hold it by the scruff of its neck to stop it from scratching you. Use interactive cat toys often in order for them to become comfortable around you.
Take the kittens to a veterinarian, who can check them for any health complications. Simulate the mother cat by rubbing the abdomen of each kitten to expel any waste, and then clean their bottoms carefully. After a kitten eats, simulate the mother by cleaning its coat with a damp towel. Check their fur regularly for fleas, as this can cause harm through tape worms and other health issues. If fleas are found, use a flea spray that is suitable for use on kittens.
What Do You Do When You Find Wild Kittens?
Feral or wild kittens are found in back yards, in the woods, and underneath porches. These cats have not been domesticated, and are therefore unlike animals that have simply been abandoned. If you find wild kittens without their mother, follow special procedures to care for them properly, before handing them over to an animal shelter for adoption.