How to Get a Runt Kitten to Eat

As kittens reach 4 weeks old, it is natural for them to stop relying solely on their mother's milk and to begin eating solid food. However, even weeks after its bigger brothers and sisters have moved onto kitten chow, it can be difficult to persuade a tiny runt to eat. With some patience and some extra attention, you can get a runt kitten to eat.


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      Remove the mother kitten from the runt at feeding times. The hungry kitten will have no choice but to go hungry or eat kitten food.

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      Select a dry cat chow or wet cat food that is made especially for kittens. Kitten food caters to the nutritional demands of kittens and is the healthiest option for the growing runt.

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      Pour some kitten chow into a shallow bowl or tray, so that the tiny kitten can reach it.

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      Moisten the kitten chow. Mix the food with a little water or milk replacer to make it easier for the runt to chew and eat. Using milk replacer gives the food the scent and taste of milk, making it more appealing to the kitten that still craves mom's milk.

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      Add some wet kitten food. Felines often enjoy wet cat food, so including a little may help encourage the runt to eat.

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      Try different types of kitten chow. It is possible that the kitten does not like the taste or texture of the food you've purchased, so trying different brands and flavors may help you discover a variety the runt will be excited to eat.