Why do cats walk between your legs?

1. To show affection. When a cat rubs against your legs, it is marking you with its scent. This is a way of showing affection and saying, "You are mine."

2. To get your attention. If a cat is walking between your legs and meowing, it is likely trying to get your attention. It may want you to pet it, feed it, or play with it.

3. To feel secure. Cats feel safe and secure when they are surrounded by familiar scents. By walking between your legs, a cat can surround itself with your scent and feel more at ease.

4. To explore. Cats are curious creatures, and they love to explore their surroundings. Walking between your legs is a great way for a cat to get a closer look at what you are doing and to explore your environment.

5. To play. Some cats simply enjoy walking between people's legs as a way to play. It can be a fun and interactive way for them to engage with their owners.