* Kasik - This is a common term, but it can have slightly different meanings depending on the specific Carib group. Sometimes it refers to a village headman, while other times it might indicate a more powerful chief with broader authority.
* Yatiri - This title, found among the Island Carib, designates a religious leader and shaman, who often had considerable influence and authority within the community.
* Calabash - While not a specific title, the Carib people held the calabash (a gourd) in high regard. It was a symbol of authority and leadership, and a chief may have been referred to by their calabash name.
It's important to remember that the Carib people were a diverse group with various social structures and leadership styles. So, while these titles are common, there were likely many others, and the exact meaning of each title might vary.
If you're interested in learning more about specific Carib groups and their leaders, it's best to consult historical accounts and anthropological studies that focus on those particular communities.