Who is the cat lady?

"The Cat Lady" can refer to a few different things:

* A common stereotype: This is a fictional portrayal of a lonely, often eccentric woman who owns a large number of cats. This stereotype is often used for comedic effect but can also be used to perpetuate negative stereotypes about women who choose to live alone.

* A specific character: In the video game "The Cat Lady," the protagonist is a woman named Susan Ashworth. She is deeply traumatized and isolated, living with a large number of cats. While the game doesn't necessarily endorse the "Cat Lady" stereotype, it uses it as a starting point to explore themes of trauma, grief, and mental illness.

* A real person: In the real world, there are many people who own a large number of cats. Some may be considered "Cat Ladies" due to their dedication to feline companions, but the term is often used in a negative or judgmental way.

It's important to remember that the "Cat Lady" stereotype is often harmful and inaccurate. People who choose to live with many cats do so for a variety of reasons, and it's not appropriate to make assumptions about their personality or lifestyle.