What is the Scots Gaelic translation of postman pat and his black white cat?

Here's a possible translation of "Postman Pat and his black and white cat" into Scots Gaelic:

Am Posta-bheòr Pàdraig agus a chat dubh is geal

Here's a breakdown:

* Am Posta-bheòr Pàdraig: This translates literally as "The Postman Patrick." "Posta-bheòr" is a more traditional term for postman.

* agus: This means "and."

* a chat dubh is geal: This means "his black and white cat."

You could also use "Seòras" instead of "Pàdraig" for George, depending on the context.

It's worth noting that there might be other, more nuanced or idiomatic ways to translate the phrase, depending on the specific context and the desired level of formality.