* Animal Cruelty Laws: Kentucky has strict laws against animal cruelty. Shooting a cat, even a stray, would be considered a cruel and inhumane act, punishable by law.
* Property Rights: While stray cats are not considered "property" in the same way as pets, they are still protected under the law. Shooting an animal on someone else's property is also a potential violation of their rights.
* Wildlife Laws: Cats, even strays, are considered wildlife. Killing them without a valid permit or license is illegal.
What to do:
1. Document Everything: Keep a record of the threats made by your neighbor. This includes dates, times, and any witnesses.
2. Contact Animal Control: Report the threat to your local animal control agency. They can investigate and potentially take action.
3. Contact Law Enforcement: If you feel the threat is immediate or serious, you can contact the police. They can also investigate and potentially take action.
4. Consider a Trap-Neuter-Return Program: If your community is struggling with a stray cat population, consider a Trap-Neuter-Return program. This humane approach helps control the population and reduces the risk of animals being harmed.
Remember: It's important to stay calm and document everything. You have the right to seek legal protection for stray animals from harm.