How much stronger is a cats sense of sight at night than humans?

Cats have a significantly better sense of sight at night than humans. Here's why:

* Larger pupils: Cats have pupils that can dilate much wider than human pupils, allowing them to let in more light.

* Tapetum lucidum: Cats have a special reflective layer behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light back through the retina, effectively amplifying the available light. This allows them to see in very low light conditions, almost like a night-vision device.

* More rods: The retina of a cat has a higher concentration of rods, which are light-sensitive cells responsible for seeing in low light. This allows them to pick up even faint light signals.

Quantifying the difference: It's hard to give an exact numerical value for how much better a cat's night vision is compared to a human's. Some estimates suggest that cats can see in light levels about 6 to 8 times dimmer than what humans can see.

Other factors:

* Color vision: While cats can see some colors, their color vision is limited compared to humans. They see primarily in shades of blue, green, and gray.

* Motion detection: Cats are also excellent at detecting movement, which helps them track prey even in low light.

Overall, cats have a significantly enhanced night vision compared to humans thanks to their unique biological adaptations. This allows them to navigate and hunt effectively in the dark.