* Righting Reflex: Cats have an incredible instinct called the "righting reflex". This allows them to twist their bodies in mid-air to land on their feet, even from a significant height. This reflex helps them to distribute the impact of the fall more evenly.
* Light Weight and Small Size: Cats are relatively lightweight and have a small surface area. This means they experience less force from gravity during a fall.
* Flexible Skeleton: Cats have a flexible spine and a more elastic skeletal structure compared to humans. This flexibility helps absorb some of the impact of a fall.
* Agility and Balance: Cats are naturally agile and have excellent balance. They can quickly adjust their position mid-air to control their descent.
Important Note: Even with these adaptations, cats can still get seriously injured from falls. Falls from high places, like windows or balconies, are particularly dangerous and can result in broken bones, internal bleeding, and even death. It's essential to keep your cat safe by providing secure indoor spaces and preventing them from accessing dangerous areas.