How can you tell a Siamese cat male from female?

You can't reliably tell a Siamese cat male from female just by looking at them.

Here's why:

* Physical Appearance: Siamese cats, both male and female, have similar body shapes, sizes, and markings.

* Behavior: While male Siamese cats tend to be more laid-back and affectionate, and female Siamese cats are known for being more independent and vocal, these are general observations and don't hold true for all individuals.

* Genitals: You should never try to examine a cat's genitals to determine its sex, as this can be stressful and even dangerous for the animal.

The only way to know for sure is:

* Vet Examination: A veterinarian can easily determine the sex of a cat by examining its genitals.

Remember: Even if you think you know the cat's sex, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian for confirmation, especially if you're considering spaying or neutering.