Make the new kitten comfortable in a quiet room. Put enough food and water in the room, as well as a comfortable and warm blanket and a litter box. This gives your new kitten enough room to explore while not impeding on your other cat̵7;s territory. When your new kitten feels comfortable in its new living space, it will feel more comfortable when another cat is around.
Leave the door to your kitten̵7;s room open. Stand back and let it come out on its own. Follow quietly behind the kitten as it explores the rest of your house. Keep your resident cat away from the kitten as it explores. For example, let your kitten explore the downstairs of your home while your resident cat is upstairs. You can also close off your resident cat in another room.
Put the kitten back in its room and close the door. The next day, open the door and let the kitten come out on its own. Let the kitten roam the house under your supervision. Place the kitten in the same room as your resident cat. Preferably use a living room or an area with a large space. Play with your resident cat while your kitten explores the room. Let your kitten jump into playing with you and your resident cat. Do not force it to start playing. Stand guard when your kitten encounters your resident cat. Watch the interaction and only jump in if it becomes violent. If the kitten and resident cat play well together, continue playing with both of them.
Continue supervising encounters over the next few weeks. When you leave the house, put the kitten in its room and leave your resident cat out. This eliminates any potential fighting or injury from fighting between the cats.
How to Bring a New Kitten Home With Other Cats
Whether you want a playmate for your adult cat or simply wish to add another furry friend to your family, bringing home a new kitten often results in temporary tension for your other cats. When a new kitten suddenly takes over your resident cat̵7;s territory, the cat becomes upset and will often never fully bond with the kitten. Instead of chancing permanent disharmony between your pets, ease both animals into the relationship.