Traveling With Cats on Long Car Rides

Most cats prefer to stay home. That desire makes traveling with them a challenging venture. They often don't just meow their objections; they howl. This makes for a less than peaceful driving experience for their human companions. However, with practice and preparation, a car ride with kitty is achievable, as long as you pack some patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat carrier
  • Small Litter box
  • Litter
  • Water dish
  • Food dish
  • Leash
  • Elimination bags
  • Pooper scooper
  • Toys
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  1. Kitty Hits The Road

    • 1

      Place the cat carrier in your home with the door open so your cat can enter and leave the carrier at will. Leave a cozy blanket or favorite toy in the carrier to entice and comfort the cat. Allow cat to sleep in carrier with the door open.

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      Once the cat accepts the carrier, put the cat inside and close the door. Remain where the cat can see you. This helps to keep your cat from feeling abandoned or trapped. Leave the cat in carrier for five minutes, gradually building up to longer periods.

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      Place the cat in the carrier and place the carrier in your vehicle. Take the cat for several shorter car rides prior to the long trip you have planned. Note whether the carrier rocks when you are turning the vehicle or making quick stops. Adjust the placement of the carrier on the seat or floor, drive around more corners and tap your brakes until you discover a secure location for the carrier during travel.

    • 4

      Pack kitty's essentials -- litter, food, water, elimination bags and pooper scooper -- in one box for your long trip and place in the vehicle where you can easily access it. Put kitty in the carrier before leaving your home and place the carrier in its secure location in the car. Talk to your cat during the ride. Play soothing music.

    • 5

      Take travel breaks. When you visit a roadside rest area, have one person remain behind at the vehicle to keep your cat company. Allow the cat out of the carrier only when all doors are closed and windows are rolled up. Give the cat treats and some attention before putting it back in the carrier to resume your driving.

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      Remove soiled litter from the cat carrier whenever you stop for a potty break.

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      Offer food and water to the cat whenever you stop for a meal.