How to Lure a Cat That Got Out Back Home

When your cat has escaped your home it may be difficult for you to get it back inside. Cats are naturally curious animals who like to hunt and stalk live prey. A cat's instinct will be to run when it gets out the door, and to run faster if you try to catch it. There are few different tactics you can try to get your cat to back home.

Things You'll Need

  • Wet cat food
  • Cat treats
  • Dry cat food
  • String
  • Ball
  • Animal trap
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    • 1

      Shake a box of dry cat food or dry treats loud enough for the cat to hear. Pour the dry mix into a ceramic or tin bowl from a high point so it echos. The ears on a cat are located on the top of their head and can hear noises between 45,00 64,00 Hz. If your cat is familiar with this sound then it will come running inside for meal time.

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      Open a can of wet cat food or tuna fish and set it by the door of your home. A cat has approximately 100 million olfactory epithelial cells on its nose and can pick up scents easily. The allure of the food will bring them into the home to eat. Keep an eye on the wet food so you can shut the door after the cat comes back in.

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      Tie a long string to a small play ball or cat toy. Throw the toy outside of your door where the cat can see it. Slowly pull the toy back in. Cats love the thrill of hunting and playing and will begin chasing and pouncing the toy shortly. Continue until you get the cat close enough to the house and it chases the toy inside. Your cat may also smell the wet food and come inside.

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      Set up an animal trap overnight with some wet cat food. When you are unable to get the cat to come inside then this may be your last option. As long as the cat cannot get hurt in the trap then this is a safe option. Put wet cat food inside of the trap and check it routinely. Be cautious of other animals that may enter the trap.