How to Help Cats Make Adjustments to Moving

Creatures of habit and routine, cats tend to have a harder time adjusting to new environments and surroundings compared to other pets. If you are facing a move, you'll need to make your cat comfortable while preparing for the big day and then help it adjust to the new surroundings. Working with your cat both before and after a move will help ensure a smooth transition.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat bed
  • Cat toys
  • Cat treats
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    • 1

      Get your cat used to sleeping in a cat bed or on a blanket. This should be done well in advance of moving, if possible. The bedding will travel with you to the new house or location and be a comforting reminder to the cat.

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      During the packing period leading up to a move, show your cat attention and affection. Cats will sniff and wander around moving boxes, out of curiosity. As you pack up more items, it will become stressed due to the ever-changing surroundings. Make time to pet and play with your cat, and offer it treats.

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      On moving day, place the cat in the carrier you'll use to transport the animal. Inside the carrier, place the cat's bedding and an item of clothing with your scent on it. This will make the cat less stressed out during the move. Many cats dislike riding in vehicles, so having comforting smells will help make the move easier on your pet.

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      Place the cat's bedding in a common area at the new location. Make sure to introduce the cat to the area, and speak to it in a soothing voice. Set up your cat's food and litter in areas similar to those used in your old house, to somewhat replicate the routine. For example, if food, water and litter was in a basement at the old location, place the items in the basement of the new location. If food was kept in a kitchen and litter in a bathroom, use the same setup at the new house.

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      Take time to pay attention to your cat immediately following the move. Pet the cat, play with it, offer treats and show your affection.