What Furry Animal Would Get Along With a Cat?

It is funny to think about, but one of the best friends a cat can have is a bunny. Cats and rabbits can get along extremely well, especially if they are introduced to one another correctly. If your cat likes to go outside, it may still enjoy chasing rabbits in the wild, but it will get along wonderfully with your pet rabbit. The thing to keep in mind is that the rabbit will actually confront the cat more than vice versa, so keep an eye on that bunny.
  1. Initial Introduction

    • The most important part of the development of a great cat-and-rabbit relationship is the introduction. If you are bringing home a small rabbit, pay close attention to the interactions between the animals. Cats have one purpose when it comes to playing games: they like to hunt. If you have a shy rabbit, the cat will take notice. Introduce them by having the bunny in its cage. Let the two smell each other and get used to one another before the protection is gone.

    Take Away the Cage

    • The next step is to have the animals meet each other with your close supervision. Make sure the cat's claws are short, so if it swats at the bunny, it can't hurt it. Take the process slowly. Try to limit the amount of intervention that you provide, unless one of the animals is in danger of being hurt. Allow them to try to work out their problems on their own.

    When Problems Arise With Your Cat

    • If there are problems with your cat's behavior toward the rabbit, squirt it with water a couple of times to show it the behavior is not tolerated. If you happen to notice that you are doing more water squirting then you think is necessary, you may have introduced the animals without the cage too early. Put the rabbit back into the cage and start the process over again.

    When Problems Arise With Your Rabbit

    • Despite the fact that rabbits are often prey for cats, the roles are often reversed in rabbit-cat relationships. A rabbit will try to take charge, chase and boss around a cat. If you are bringing the rabbit home, allow it to get comfortable in the home before introducing it to the cat. Rabbits can become stressed easily, so just wait until the rabbit is feeling relaxed.