Fun Stuff to Do With a Cat

Cats can be amusing and playful companions, provided you know how to have fun with them. When considering activities to try, you'll probably find that your cat responds better to certain activities than others. With a little experimentation, you and your feline companion will learn how to have fun together -- and the more time you spend together, the more bonded you'll become.
  1. String

    • A little piece of string is all it takes to have a riotous time with your cat. Simply pull the string along the floor or wave it in the air in front of your cat. They'll stalk, leap, pounce and run to catch it. After a while, hide the string and the cat will continue to look for it. After a few moments, bring it back out and their interest may be more heightened than before.

    Paper Bag

    • Set a paper bag on the floor and it won't be long before your cat starts exploring the interior. With your cat is inside, sneak up from behind, crinkle the bag and the cat will come running out. Crouch near the floor and pretend to pounce at your cat. They'll run around for awhile but eventually end up back in the bag. Note that while some cats enjoy being chased, others do not. If their tail is fluffed and their ears are laid back, they're not having fun.


    • Catnip is a harmless and ideal treat for your pet. Simply set out a bowl of catnip and wait to see what happens. If your cat eats the catnip, it will become very relaxed and amenable to a good cuddle. If they sniff it, they'll become hyperactive. This is virtually guaranteed to be a source of enjoyment for you and your cat.

    Feather Duster

    • Many pet stores sell a cat toy called a feather duster -- a long rod with feathers and bells attached at one end. Slide the feather duster along the ground or wave it in the air near your cat. They'll chase it, paw it and pounce on it.

    Laser Pointer

    • There is probably not a cat alive that can resist the temptation of the little dot of light created by a laser pointer. Simply turn the pointer on and aim it at the ground near your cat. They'll spend countless hours chasing it and trying to catch it. Just be careful not to point the laser at your cat's eyes, which could cause severe visual damage.