Home Remedies for Cat Smell Removal

Cats can be wonderful companions, but the odor left behind by their elimination is not. Unfortunately, unless it is immediately and thoroughly addressed, the smell of cat urine often lingers, especially if kitty has an accident on the carpet. The first step in cleaning up cat urine is to use a paper or cloth towel to soak up as much of the offending liquid as possible.
  1. White Vinegar and Baking Soda

    • Mix 1/3 cup white vinegar with 2/3 cup water. Use this mixture to soak the area where kitty made a mess. Use a clean rag to soak up the liquid. You may need to use more than one clean rag to absorb all of the moisture. Repeat this process with fresh water. Spread some baking soda, allow to dry and vacuum 24 hours later.


    • Peroxide has some excellent cleaning qualities. It breaks down the enzymes in kitty's urine that cause stain and smell. Unfortunately, peroxide also can discolor. Using it on a carpet or fabric-covered furniture, such as couches, can be tricky. When using peroxide, pour only a small amount directly onto the affected area and allow it to dry. Rinse the peroxide out with warm water, blotting it up with a paper towel. Repeat this with several paper towels until no more moisture is absorbed when pressing down firmly.


    • Mouthwash kills bad breath and it can take on cat urine as well. To give the white vinegar/water mixture a little extra zing, add a few drops of Listerine or any other mouthwash with a high alcohol content. Mouthwash also is effective in killing cat odor when simply mixed with hot water and dabbed directly on the offending spot.

    Deal with the Box

    • Perhaps the most common reason for cat urine smell to linger in a home is irregular cleaning of kitty's box. This is not a fun job, but by regularly scooping out and replacing litter, you remove the stinky culprit from your home. Wheat-based rather than clay-based cat litters can help provide natural odor control and improved clumping for easier removal.