How to Discourage Male Cats From Hanging Around Outside

Feral and stray cats are a common problem in urban and rural settings. Male cats are particularly destructive and frequently spray urine on plants, houses and mailboxes. They frequently fight and can injure or kill each other beyond creating nuisance noises. Most feral or stray cats are skittish and won't behave aggressively toward people, so there's no need to harm them. They also help to control local rodent populations. There are several steps you can take to discourage male cats from hanging around outside your house.

Things You'll Need

  • Odor neutralizer
  • Urine odor neutralizer
  • Motion detecting sprinklers
  • Cat repellent
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      Spay your female cat. Male cats can detect the scent of a female in heat and will congregate outside the house hoping to mate with her. If you're not planning to breed your cat, spaying her will protect her health and eliminate the scores of males she attracts. It will also help solve the cat overpopulation problem and save you from the stress of an unplanned feline pregnancy.

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      Remove scraps and garbage. Cats have an excellent sense of smell and will scavenge in your garbage, recycling and compost piles for food. If you must keep garbage outside, get a garbage lid that latches and spray an odor neutralizer around the pile.

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      Spray urine odor neutralizer on any locations where the cats have urinated. Cats are attracted to the scent of other cat's urine and male cats will return to spray in your yard. Most pet and home supply stores carry inexpensive products designed to eliminate the smell of urine.

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      Install a motion-detecting sprinkler system. Most cats dislike water and will run away if they are sprayed. They quickly learn to avoid places where they have unpleasant experiences, so installing a sprinkler system will help curb the cats' presence after a few weeks. Many home-supply stores sell inexpensive systems and some pet stores sell sprinklers specifically designed to repel cats.

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      Spray a cat repellent in the areas the cats frequent. Pet and home-supply stores frequently carry these products.