Why Are a Kitten's Eyes Closed for a Week?

A protective film covers the inside of kittens' eyes immediately after birth, making it impossible for them to see. While the amount of time the film remains over a kitten's eyes varies from breed to breed, most kittens remain sightless for approximately the first week of life. Short-hair breeds tend to open their eyes anywhere from five to eight days after birth, while longer-hair breeds do so within 10 to 14 days of being born.
  1. Born Blind

    • They're not just born blind; kittens are also born deaf. And, as strange as it may seem, it's for their good. In a normal feline birthing, a kitten's eyes and ears are sealed completely shut upon birth. Unable to see or hear their environment, kittens are completely dependent on their mother, and they stay close to her for protection during their first critical week of life.

    Retina Not Mature

    • Compared with those of other mammals, the feline gestation period of only 65 days on average is relatively short. This leaves kittens' retinas not completely developed when they are born. Their immature and undeveloped eyes are not prepared to handle bright light when they exit the womb. In general, feline retinas are not completely matured until five weeks of age, although by one week its rods are much more capable of processing light rays than they were at the moment of birth.

    Protection From Infections

    • Giving birth is a messy process. It is highly common for the mother cat to carry some sort of infectious agent -- either viral or bacterial -- in her vaginal discharge. Kittens inadvertently born with open eyes often are diagnosed with a conjunctiva infection of the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of their eye. Kittens' eyes stay closed for at least a week on average to protect this sensitive area from infectious exposure.

    A Tall Tale

    • There is an old tale popular among cat lovers as an explanation for kittens' being born with closed eyes. As the tale goes, the world became corrupt and an old wise mother cat called a meeting of female cats from around the world to discuss how to protect the young. It was decided that kittens would be born with eyes shut to give them time to adjust. When they were ready to handle the difficulty of the outside world, their eyes would open.