How to Calm Cats

A lot of different factors can cause a cat to behave in a manner that is anxious, scared and on-edge, from traveling and simply wanting attention to visiting the veterinarian and being around new people or pets. If your precious cat is meowing up a storm or engaging in any otherwise unusual or persistent behavior, there are several things that you can do to take control of the situation and to help it calm down and relax.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat treats
  • Catnip
  • Spray
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      Provide your cat with frequent attention. Cats often act out because of loneliness and wanting attention from their owners. This results in misbehavior in order to force attention. If you go out of your way to give your cat attention, it will not need to seek out negative attention. Take 15 minutes out of the day, every day, to play with your cat. Allow your pet to sleep in your lap and pet its head.

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      Use catnip. Catnip is a perennial and aromatic herb that is used as a remedy on cats because of its soothing and relaxing capabilities. The herb is generally given to cats in meals and with their favorite toys. When a cat smells cat nip, the harmless herb functions as a stimulant. However, when it is consumed, it works as a sedative. To naturally calm your hyper cat, mix the herb in with its food.

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      Neuter or spay your cat. Mating rituals can cause cats to become very loud, energetic and aggressive. If you spay or neuter your animal, you get rid of the possibility of the associated behaviors. Some of the behaviors that are often exhibited by cats in heat include sparring with other cats, territorial urine spraying, piercing and high, crying sounds. Take your cat to the veterinarian for neutering or spaying when it is between 6 to 9 months old, ideally.

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      Use spray that consists of analogue pheromones. The spray technique can be especially effective for cats that are acting in aggressive manners. The all-natural spray operates similarly to cat facial pheromones, and can be highly beneficial for deceasing aggressive behavior (such as marking), and calming and relaxing. To calm down your cat, spray a light coating of the substance over your walls, doors, car upholstery and furnishings.

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      Comfort your cat with things that remind it of you. If your cat is acting out because of loneliness, comfort it with something that can make it think of you. For example, put a worn and unwashed sweatshirt of yours in its bed. Many cats become loud and persistent when they feel alone or neglected, so relax your cat with something that smells and reminds it of your presence.