How to Write a Letter About My Cat

Every letter is made up of a greeting followed by the text used for the subject matter and closes with a signature. Composition of a letter for either business or personal application should clearly state the reason for its delivery, along with pertinent facts. There are plenty of reasons for writing a letter about a pet, more specifically a cat. With cats being the most popular pet in America, it is easy to see why some are so enamored of them.


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      Introduce your cat and its breed, for instance, whether it is a Siamese, tabby, calico or the like. Tell the cat's name and make a list of its specific attributes, such as odd or humorous behaviors, the type of food it prefers and its favorite toy.

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      Describe the circumstances that led to your ownership of the cat. Mention any specific person(s) who helped you come to own your cat, or whether you found your pet through a business such as a pet store or a local animal shelter.

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      Explain how your cat provides companionship for you and what the cat means to you and your family. Cite specific instances when your cat has helped to ease a troubled moment in your life by just being there for you.

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      Mention the reason for the letter about your cat. Use words that convey your feelings about your cat. If possible or appropriate, include photos of your cat to help the recipient of the letter better appreciate the object of your affection.

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      Close the letter with a personal note or a standard phrase and your signature. If it is a business letter, be sure to include your name and return address.