How to Pick Up a Cat Correctly

Grasping a cat with one hand and letting its hind legs dangle is no way to put the animal at ease. Improper handling of a feline can result in painful bites and scratches as the animal struggles to wriggle out of your grasp. When you pick up a cat, you need to support it in the front and rear of its body, as best as you can, so it will feel safe and secure.


    • 1

      Bend or squat down and place one hand on the cat's chest, behind the front legs.

    • 2

      Gather the hind legs in the other hand and lift the cat upward, giving support to both the front and back of the body.

    • 3

      Keep your hands in position and allow the cat to rest against your body in order to give it a feeling of security as you hold it.