Organic Control of Ear Mites for Cats

Ear mites cause cats to scratch their ears and shake their heads in an effort to be rid of the pests. More seriously, the constant scratching can cause the ears to bleed. The mites cause damage to the ear drum and ear canal, with the possibility of your cat becoming deaf from this condition. While checking with a vet is always advised, some organic home remedies may rid your kitties of the dreaded ear mites.
  1. Organic Vegetable Oils

    • Organic vegetable oils can help rid your cat of ear mites. Some common oils are olive oil, almond oil and corn oil. Dip a cotton ball in the oil and carefully dab the oil into the kitty's ears. Cats often balk at this treatment initially. Sooth your cat by holding it gently but firmly while softly rubbing the ear. Your cat may understand that you are trying to help, and will hold still for the treatment. Repeat the oil treatment daily for a month or six weeks to rid your cat of the mites and eggs.

    Vinegar Mixture

    • Some cat owners use a mixture of two parts water and one part of either white or apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and water mixture. Then gently blot it in your cat's ears. For cats with severe conditions, the vinegar can sting. You can add a small amount of vitamin E to the vinegar mixture to help soothe the kitty's ears. Mixing the water and vinegar with about 400 IUs of vitamin E is a common practice.

    Yellow Dock Root Extract

    • Mix about nine drops of yellow dock root extract with one tablespoon of water. You can also boil a pint of water with a teaspoon of yellow dock root. Let cool before using. Gently apply mixture with a cotton ball or eye dropper. Repeat this process every three days. Continue for six weeks, to eliminate both the adult mites and the unhatched eggs.

    Commercial Organic Ear Mite Control

    • Many organic commercial products are available to kill ear mites. Apply a product called Revolution to the back of the cat's neck, soaking through to the skin. The product then enters the cat's blood stream. This process kills the mites. Consider Cedar Oil Spray, a non-toxic treatment. You can try food grade Diatomaceous Earth by mixing it with your cat's food, about one half teaspoon for a kitten and one teaspoon for a grown cat.