Why Do Cats Put Their Toys in Water?

There are many behaviors that domestic cats display that are not fully understood by humans, including the urge to put their toys into their water dishes. Animal scientists and veterinarians have studied this and similar behaviors and developed several theories as to why they do it, but as each cat is different and has a mind of its own, it is always possible they are doing it for completely different reasons than other cats.
  1. Claiming Possession

    • Cats are territorial animals and designate areas of their home as "theirs." This often includes their water and food bowls as these "areas" seldom change location and are usually only used by them. By placing a toy in their water, the cat is claiming it as their possession because it is within their territory.


    • Some cats have the urge to secure their toys in an area they consider safe, which relates to the desire of wild cats to secure their prey from other predators. Because they see their water dish as their territory, they consider it a safe location for storing important items, such as their toys.

    Seeking Attention

    • There are a multitude of behaviors a cat takes part in to get the attention of its owner. This includes amusing things, such as laying on books and papers its owner is working on and batting at shoelaces while the owner is tying her shoes. It also can include destructive behaviors, such as urinating on the carpet and scratching up important items. If the cat owner reacts every time the cat puts its toys into the water dish and it does not get much attention otherwise, the cat may continue this behavior because it attracts some attention.

    Similar Behaviors

    • Some cats put more than just their own toys in their water dishes. They have been known to "steal" items, such as earphones, small jewelry, shoelaces and small children's toys, and place as many of these items as they can fit into their water. Their reasons for doing this are probably a combination of the above -- they want to secure the items within their territory and they want more attention from their owners, who will coming looking for the stolen items.