How to Help My Kitty Sleep

The adorable antics that drew you to a kitten quickly becomes the bane of your existence when you are awakened from a sound sleep by a curious paw in your nose and loud purring in your ear. Kittens are naturally active through the night -- and many cat adopters don't learn this until after the kitten is keeping them up all night. It is natural for kittens to play a lot during the night, but there are some things that can be done to stack the deck in favor of a peaceful night's sleep.

Things You'll Need

  • Toys
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    • 1
      Kittens should have access to dry food and fresh water all day and night.

      Leave food and water for your kitten to nibble overnight. Cats are nibblers and kittens, especially, can't hold much in their stomachs at one feeding. If your kitten is hungry, you're going to get a wake up call. Wet food in the evening is fine, but dry food will last through the night -- kittens don't like wet food that's been out for a few hours.

    • 2
      A tired kitten will sleep during the night.

      Play with your kitten as much as possible during the day. If you are gone to work all day, the kitten is going to be at home sleeping. When you get home, the kitten will be well rested and raring to go. Hire a pet sitter to come in two or three times during the work day and give the kitten a good workout if no one in the family can be home. Your kitten won't need entertainment during the workday when it is older, but as a kitten, it can't be expected to stay home alone all day and then sleep all night.

    • 3
      Kittens like to play with many objects, but also lose interest fast.

      Buy a few treat puzzle toys that make the kitten work to get a treat. Use these to help entertain the kitten both during the night and when you are working. The kitten still needs human attention during the workday -- it's a baby. But the automatic treat toys will help it get more exercise and mental stimulation. Typical kitten toys that are batted and chased are fine, but kittens lose interest fast in those kinds of toys.

    • 4
      Two kittens keep each other entertained.

      Adopt a second kitten. While puppies are much harder to raise in pairs, kittens are generally easier to raise in pairs. It's usually best to adopt kittens that are about the same age so they both are in the same developmental stages and have similar activity levels.

    • 5
      A room with no breakables, valuables or dangers is very helpful.

      Kitten-proof one room for the kitten -- or kittens -- to use overnight. Put up curtains and other furnishings that aren't easily damaged, put the kitten food, water and litter box in the room, and some toys. Remove electrical wires and other dangers. Teach the kitten to go to its room at bedtime. This will keep the kittens out of your bed when you're trying to sleep, muffle the noise from their play and keep the rest of the house safe from kitten damage.