Games to Play With Your Cat

If you are a cat lover, you know that your cat or kitten loves to play. Even if their human is not around, the frisky feline can find ways to entertain and play by themselves. Cats are finicky about what kinds of games you play with them. It usually involves something that is moving that they want to catch.
  1. Catnip

    • Cats love catnip. There is something about the aroma that drives cats wild. If you want your cat to play with you, just rub a little catnip on their toys and the fun begins. If you don't have any toys, an old sock with catnip on the inside can provide hours of entertainment. Just put a pinch or two into an old cotton sock and tie off the opening. Roll the sock around your cat until tit catches the scent. It will want to roll on the sock to get to the catnip inside. Every once in awhile, let your cat win and have the sock. You will be amazed about how much fun you and your cat can have with a sock.

    Playing with a Laser Pointer

    • Cats are known to be hunters, even house cats. Anything that moves attracts their attention and incites them to chase. A laser pointer is a low-cost toy for your cat, and you can have hours of fun using laser as the prey. When your cat is in a frisky mood, take out the pointer and point the laser at the wall or floor in front of your cat. Move it around in small circles and watch your cat go wild. They have no clue what the laser is, of course, and they get very frustrated when they cannot sink their paws into it. Be careful not to point the laser at anything that is breakable. Some cats get very aggressive and will jump on tables or other furniture to catch the laser.

    Playing with a Cat Toy

    • Most of the time, a cat can entertain itself with a cat toy, but sometimes it wants its human to play along. To add some challenge to your cat's play, tie a string to the toy and pull it along the floor. Don't pull faster than the cat wants to pursue or it will lose interest quickly. Sometimes, just holding the toy in the air by a string and bobbing it up and down will motivate your cat. To add spice to the game, put some catnip on or in the toy. The catnip definitely gets your cat to pursue it. When you are done playing, tie the string to an object where the toy is just out of the cat's reach. It will spend hours trying to pull it down.

    When to Play Games With Your Cat

    • Cats sleep a lot. Most cats do not like to be woken up to play with you. Let them be up and about for a while before you initiate play. Don't mess with them when they are eating either. If you know your cat, you will know when it is time to play. Don't wrestle with your cat. It is not a dog. Cats like human contact, but it has to be on their terms and for as long as they want to play or have contact. Most cats just walk away if the contact or play is unsolicited.