How to Keep Males Away From Female Cats

Domestic cats may need to be separated from each other for various reasons. In certain cases, you need to separate male and female cats to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Another reason is to prevent aggression or jealousy. You can place one of the animals in a cat-traveling basket for short periods of time. However, if the animals are to be separated from each other for extended periods, shut the animals in separate rooms or in cages designed and built to house domestic cats.

Things You'll Need

  • Separate rooms
  • Outdoor cat cage (optional)
  • Home with functional doors and windows (optional)
  • Cat traveling crate (optional)
  • Friend who is prepared to house a cat (optional)
  • Cat hotel (optional)
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      Place the male cat in a separate room from the female. Always supply a cat that is locked in a room with access to a clean cat litter box, which should be emptied daily. Ensure that clean, cool water is also available for the cat at all times. Cats that are locked away should be visited regularly to ensure ongoing socialization with people.

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      Build an outdoor cage in which you can house the male or the female animal. As in the case of restricting a cat to a room, water and clean litter must be available to animals that are locked in the outdoor cage. Provide an area in which the cats can shelter from poor weather. Supply the caged cats with elevated shelves or branches on which they can rest or play.

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      Lock one of the animals outdoors and the other animal indoors. Ensure that the cat that is placed outdoors does not wander excessively. Supply the outdoor cat with water and a safe area in which it can hide or shelter, if necessary.

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      Request a friend or neighbor to house one of the cats for you.

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      Board one of the cats at a cat hotel if the cats only need to be separated for a limited period, such as to prevent mating.

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      Place one cat in a cat-traveling crate if the animals only need to be separated on a temporary basis.

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      Make the difficult decision to give one animal away permanently.