How to Do a Cat's Paw in Plaster

Cat owners who really love their furry family members and want to preserve a special memory can do so very easily with a plaster paw print. Not only is it inexpensive, but the possibilities for creativity are about as endless as a cat's curiosity. With just a little bit of time and effort, you can create a tribute befitting your cat's personality and interests. Follow these simple steps to make the "purr-fect" plaster paw print.

Things You'll Need

  • Plaster of Paris mix
  • Knife or Pair of Scissors
  • Plastic gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • Apron
  • Metal bowl
  • Metal or plastic pan
  • Measuring cups
  • Water
  • Spoon or stirring stick
  • Pen or pencil
  • Sharpie or other permanent marker
  • Ribbon
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  1. Preparing the Mix

    • 1

      Cut open the bag of plaster of Paris using a knife or pair of scissors then measure 2 cups of plaster of Paris and 1 cup of water. If more is needed due to the size of the plaque you want to make or the size of your cat's paw, use a 2:1 plaster-water ratio.

    • 2

      Mix the plaster and water together in a metal mixing bowl, stirring it until it seems smooth.

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      Pour the mix into a tin or plastic pan that you can discard or recycle when your project is completed. You should not attempt to cook anything in the pan after making the mold.

    Creating the Paw Imprint

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      Pick up your cat and then carefully place the desired paw(s) in the plaster mix. Hold the paw in the plaster for a couple of seconds keeping watch to make sure that the plaster isn't getting on your cat's fur. It's very important that you not get the cat's fur in the plaster as it is very hard to get off. If any sticks to the pads of your cat's paw, simply wash it off.

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      Wash off your cat's paws.

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      Poke a hole in the plaster while it's still wet if you wish to hang the paw print. You can do this using a pencil or pen, just make sure to wash the plaster off right away.

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      Allow the mold to dry undisturbed for about 24 hours. You might want to put it out of your cat's reach so that it doesn't get broken.

    Decorating and Displaying the Pawprint

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      Decorate the mold after it dries, if you wish, using markers, paint or crayons.

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      Write the date of the paw print and cat's name, either on the front or back of the mold. The easiest way to do so is by using a Sharpie or other permanent marker.

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      Display the paw print however you'd like: Hang it from a nail, lay it down on a coffee table or prop it up on a bookshelf, for instance.