Uses for Clumping Cat Litter

Cat litter contains qualities that allow it to be effectively used for many purposes beyond filling a cat box. Clumping litter contains bentonite clay, which causes it to clump when moisture is introduced. Baking soda and other ingredients within the cat litter help absorb odors.
  1. Spills

    • The absorbency of cat litter can be used to clean up spilled oil, grease, paint and other stubborn liquids. Cover the spilled liquid with a generous amount of cat litter and give it a few minutes to absorb the liquid. You can then use a broom or shovel to clean up the cat litter. If the oil has stained the ground, you can remove it by adding a small amount of paint thinner to the stain before adding the cat litter. The paint thinner will remove the stain and the cat litter will absorb both liquids.


    • Cat litter can absorb odors from the air and fabrics, making it useful as a deodorizer. Put a small amount of cat litter in the bottom of your trash can to keep it smelling fresh. A small cup of cat litter can be placed in your refrigerator to absorb any bad odors from the food. Fill an ash tray with cat litter to absorb the smoke odor. Lastly, you can add cat litter to old shoes or bags to remove any bad smells.

    Ice Traction and Melt

    • When the ground is snowy or icy, cat litter can be used to add traction and give you something to grip onto with your shoes or vehicle. Sprinkle a thin layer of cat litter onto all of the slippery surfaces. Cat litter will also help melt the ice because it is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs water and breaks down the ice.

    Pest Control

    • Keep stubborn pests away by setting out trays of used cat litter in spots where they may be living such as the garage or any nests you know of. Pests can't stand the smell of the ammonia in cat urine, so they will eventually leave the area alone and stop entering your home. They will also choose a new stop in which to nest. Once they're gone, you can get rid of the cat litter so you don't have to smell it either.