How to Care for Feral Cats in Cold Temperatures

Large groups, or colonies, of cats living together are most likely feral cats. These cats are born to domestic cats that have been left behind when someone moves, or were born to unaltered domestic cats who are lost. They've never had homes. Most likely, no one is taking care of them. There are steps that can be taken to ameliorate their harsh lives. You can feed and shelter them in cold weather, or in any weather.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowls
  • Cat food
  • Styrofoam coolers
  • Straw
  • Lumber
  • Insulation
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    • 1
      Feral cats are not socialized.

      Provide food and water by providing a feeding station. Build something to keep the bowls off the ground. Use dry food in the winter; canned food freezes. The cats may eat more in the winter; keep an eye on the food bowl to determine if you're feeding too little or too much. Don't leave food out overnight and keep the area clean. When it's cold, try to feed the cats at the same time each day so they know where and when to go there. To keep the water from freezing, fill the bowls with warm water and a pinch of sugar; and put wide, deep and dark bowls in the sun. There are many things you can do to provide a simple, protected feeding station. The different alley cat advocate/allies organizations can supply you with instructions on feeding and sheltering feral cats.

    • 2

      Build or buy a shelter for your feral cats. There are many different possibilities. If the shelter is be above ground, and about 2 by 3 feet and at least 18 inches high, it will shelter three to five cats. It should be insulated, have tile on the floor to deter moisture absorption, and have a 6 to 8- inch door opening with a flap on the door. Use straw for bedding or mylar that retains body heat. Do not use blankets or any material that absorbs water. You can build or buy a shelter. Foam coolers, plastic tubs, faux rocks, dog houses, and camper toppers can be fabricated into cat shelters. Many types of cat shelter can be built from wood, shingles and insulation. Paint your shelter brown or green so it will blend in with the surroundings. Feral cat groups have directions for making many different types of shelter.

    • 3
      Feral cats use anything they find for shelter.

      Clear pathways to the shelters for the cat when it snows. Your feral cats could actually get "snowed in" if you don't. Do not use salt and melting products near their shelters. Check under your car and tap on the hood of your car to warn the cats who might have sought shelter there. Do not let antifreeze spill on driveways. It is lethal to animals.

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      Feral cats are more social when they are spayed or neutered.

      Investigate to see if there are any local Trap-Neuter-Release programs in your area. This humane program permits cats to live while reducing the unwanted cat population. The whole process takes about three days. You can learn more about this from local groups or the Internet. Educate your neighbors and friends about feral cats and the problems associated with them.