How to Stop Pet Dander

Over 70 percent of households in the U.S. have pets such as a dog or cat. Unfortunately, the pets' skin flakes, known as dander, and saliva can cause allergic reactions in some people. Dander is difficult to remove. It clings to clothing and soft surfaces, such as carpets and furniture. Cat dander is sticky and pet owners carry it on their clothing to public areas such as their workplace or school. Cats deliver more dander in the air than dogs because they are always licking their fur clean.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet shampoo
  • Pet fur brush
  • Pet dander products
  • HEPA vacuum
  • Double or micro-filter vacuum cleaner bags
  • Plastic gloves
  • Face mask
  • Allergy treatment laundry detergent
  • Air purifier
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      Restrict pets to parts of the house away from the person with allergies. Do not allow cats or dogs to sit on furniture or consider covering the furniture. If pets are allowed on furniture, wash upholstery often.

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      Put clothing worn while playing with pets outside of the pet-free zone. Wash clothing regularly to get rid of dander. There are laundry detergents available that provide a special allergy treatment wash.

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      Put a covered litter box in a separate part of the house. Look for litter brands that say they are low in dust or are dust free.

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      Stop dander from getting on your skin by wearing gloves and a face mask during grooming. After grooming or playing with the pet, wash your hands, arms and face. Another option is to have a person who is not allergic brush the pet outside the house on a regular basis.

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      Use pet shampoos on dogs on a regular basis. Younger cats don't mind it if they have been shampooed from an early age. Special pet shampoos to treat allergens are available.

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      Prevent allergens from spreading throughout the house by installing a filter in your forced-air heating or air-conditioning units. Another option is to put an air purifier in your room and run it for four hours or more per day.

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      Use vacuums with HEPA filters or use cleaner bags that are double or micro-filter to reduce the amount of allergens released into the air.

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      Spray your cat or dog with special dander removal solutions that can be rubbed down with a cloth.

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      Ask your veterinarian to recommend a well-balanced diet. A change in diet may reduce dander indoors.