How to Get Rid of Lingering Litterbox Odor in Garage

Litter boxes are a necessity if you have an indoor cat. Unfortunately, the urine and feces collected in the litter box can leave an unpleasant odor behind even after you have cleaned the litter box. Keeping your litter box in a garage is ideal because the lingering odors won't make their way in to your living quarters. You will still need to take action to get rid of the odors that are left in your garage.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
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      Wash your litter box out once per week. Just removing the urine clumps and the feces from the cat litter is not always enough, especially if the cat sprayed some urine on the wall of the litter box. Use a little dish soap and water to get the litter box clean, and then rinse it out with a 50/50 vinegar/water solution. Vinegar is a tough odor eliminator that will get rid of any odors left on the box.

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      Open up the garage and allow some air to circulate. Even if you can only do this one hour each day, you will be able to get fresh air in the garage to replace the lingering smell.

      Note: If your cat is an indoor cat, you will want to make sure the cat cannot get in the garage while you are airing it out.

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      Open up a box of baking soda and set it next to the litter box. Baking soda has many uses including eliminating strong odors. According to the website Belly Bytes, you can also control cat box odor by sprinkling a layer of baking soda on the bottom of your litter box before covering it with a layer of litter.

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      Remove any litter box covers and just use the base of the litter box. The Human Society warns that a litter box cover will trap the odors making your lingering odor problem worse.