Methods to Administer Bach Flower Essence to Cat

Bach flower essences are natural remedies that work for humans and animals. The flower essence affects your cat's mental, emotional and energetic levels, and helps your pet heal itself.
  1. Orally

    • Add an eyedropper full of the essence of the Bach flower to your cat's water dish, mix four drops of the chosen remedy into food, or place drops on a favorite treat or chew toy. Many animals dislike the taste of the flower remedies, so it's best to mix your chosen remedy into food or water rather than give it to your cat straight from the bottle.

    Massage Method

    • Place a few drops of the remedy in your hand and massage it on your cat's ears, throat and the crown of the head. Since the head area is sensitive to energy, this helps your cat absorb the remedy. Apply two drops directly to any area of the body your cat excessively licks or chews.


    • Add two or three droppers full of remedy to a bottle of spring water. Spray the mixture around the house and on the cat's belongings, furniture, litter box, toys and any favorite area to ease your cat's stress.