How to Stop a Male Cat From Spraying in the House

Cat urine is one of the most unpleasant and pungent smells with which any pet owner has to deal. Cat urine will leave a stain, and its scent lingers for a very long time, so preventing urine stains before they happen is essential. Male cats spray for a variety of reasons, including marking territory, threats from other animals, a dirty litter box and health problems. Stopping your male cat from spraying in the house will keep your home clean and odor-free.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter boxes
  • Cat litter
  • Towels
  • Enzymatic odor neutralizer
  • Pet repellent spray
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      Have your cat examined by your veterinarian to rule out any medical reason your cat may be spraying in the house. Male cats will often spray if they have urinary tract or kidney problems and cannot control their bladders.

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      Neuter your cat if you have not already done so. As your male cat matures, he will want to spray to mark his territory. Neutering him helps reduce testosterone levels in his body, which in turn reduce the urge to spray.

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      Place a number of litter boxes throughout your home, keeping them clean and full of fresh litter at all times. Many cats will refuse to urinate in a dirty litter box and will choose an inappropriate location in your house to go instead. Buy clumping litter with odor neutralizers--it will help remove odors from litter boxes and make them more inviting to your cat.

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      Blot the urine spot with towels to remove as much of it as possible. Do not use chemicals or cleaners of any kind, but simply rinse the area with cold water, pressing gently with another clean towel to soak up any residual urine along with the water. Cleaners will interfere with the efficiency of the enzymatic odor neutralizer. Cold water is necessary as any heat applied to the urine will bond it to the surface fibers, making it difficult to remove.

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      Spray blotted urine spots with an enzymatic odor neutralizer. Cats will go back to places in which they've urinated before. These neutralizers use enzymes to break down and digest proteins in the urine. If your cat can't detect urine in that spot, he won't be encourage to spray there again. Most enzymatic odor neutralizers are pet friendly and can be used on any surfaces in your home. You can purchase enzymatic odor neutralizers at most pet and home improvement stores.

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      Add a thin layer of pet repellent spray to keep your cat away from areas in which he is not allowed. Cats will often venture into unfamiliar territory such as bedrooms and offices and mark the new territory by spraying, but pet repellent will deter your cat from investigating and marking other rooms in your home.